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Policy Publications

Stanford HAI leverages the university’s strength across disciplines—including computer science, business, economics, education, law, literature, medicine, neuroscience, philosophy, sustainability, and more—to create innovative research on AI. We translate cutting-edge, multidisciplinary AI research for the policy audience and produce original AI-related policy research to equip policymakers with tools to understand and govern the technology.

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Policy Brief
June, 2024
  • Elizabeth C. Stade, Shannon Wiltsey Stirman, Lyle Ungar, Cody L. Boland, H. Andrew Schwartz, David B. Yaden, João Sedoc, Robert J. DeRubeis, Robb Willer, Jane P. Kim, Johannes C. Eichstaedt
Policy Brief
May, 2024
  • Juan-Pablo Rivera, Gabriel Mukobi, Anka Reuel, Max Lamparth, Chandler Smith, Jacquelyn Schneider
White Paper
March, 2024
  • Nina Dewi Toft Djanegara, Daniel Zhang, Haifa Badi Uz Zaman, Caroline Meinhardt, Gelyn Watkins, Ezinne Nwankwo, Russell Wald, Rohini Kosoglu, Sanmi Koyejo, Michele Elam
Response to Requests
March, 2024
  • Caroline Meinhardt, Toni Friedman, Haifa Badi Uz Zaman, Daniel Zhang, Rodrigo Balbontín, Juan N. Pava, Vyoma Raman, Kevin Klyman, Marietje Schaake, Jef Caers, Francis Fukuyama
Response to Requests
March, 2024
  • Researchers from Stanford HAI, CRFM, RegLab, and other institutions
White Paper
February, 2024
  • Jennifer King, Caroline Meinhardt
February, 2024
  • Caroline Meinhardt, Kevin Klyman, Hamzah Daud, Christie M. Lawrence, Rohini Kosoglu, Daniel Zhang, Daniel E. Ho
Policy Brief
February, 2024
  • Michelle M. Mello, Neel Guha
Policy Brief
January, 2024
  • Peter Henderson, Xiangyu Qi, Yi Zeng, Tinghao Xie, Pin-Yu Chen, Ruoxi Jia, Prateek Mittal

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