Amy Jin
Amy Jin is a 19-year-old student from San Jose, Calif. Ever since she was introduced to computer science and artificial intelligence, she has been fascinated by their ability to serve as interfaces and tools to explore different disciplines. In 2015, she attended the inaugural AI4ALL summer program, where she was exposed to various branches of AI. She later began working on her research project, "Tool Detection and Operative Skill Assessment in Surgical Videos Using Region-Based Convolutional Neural Networks," under the mentorship of Serena Yeung and Jeffrey Jopling. Now a first-year student studying computer science at Harvard University, Jin hopes to combine her interests in CS, AI, and ethics for social good and to continue tackling complex problems as a socially conscious innovator. She would like to thank her mentors and professors, the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab, and the Clinical Excellence Research Center for the incredible research opportunity.