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Kate Crawford

Kate Crawford

Researcher, Academic, and Author

Kate Crawford is a researcher, academic, and author who has spent more than a decade studying large-scale data systems, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. She is the co-founder and co-director of the AI Now Institute at NYU, which conducts research across computer science, social science, and law to better understand and address the social implications of artificial intelligence. In 2016, she co-chaired the Obama White House symposium on the social and economic implications of AI. Crawford has published in academic journals, including Nature, New Media & Society, and Information, Communication & Society, and she has written for The New York Times, Harper’s Magazine, and the Washington Post. She has advised policymakers at the European Commission, the United Nations, the Federal Trade Commission, and the City of New York. In 2018, she was selected for a Richard von Weizsäcker Fellowship at the Robert Bosch Academy in Berlin.