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Policy Publications

Stanford HAI leverages the university’s strength across disciplines—including computer science, business, economics, education, law, literature, medicine, neuroscience, philosophy, sustainability, and more—to create innovative research on AI. We translate cutting-edge, multidisciplinary AI research for the policy audience and produce original AI-related policy research to equip policymakers with tools to understand and govern the technology.

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White Paper
November, 2021
  • Daniel E. Ho, Emily Black, Maneesh Agrawala, Fei-Fei Li
White Paper
October, 2021
  • Daniel E. Ho, Jennifer King, Russell C. Wald, Christopher Wan
Policy Brief
July, 2021
  • David B. Larson, Daniel L. Rubin, Curtis P. Langlotz
Policy Brief
May, 2021
  • Erik Brynjolfsson, Seth Benzell, Daniel Rock
Policy Brief
February, 2021
  • Johannes C. Eichstaedt
Issue Brief
November, 2020
  • Rob Reich, Marietje Schaake
Policy Brief
November, 2020
  • Dan Boneh, Andrew J. Grotto, Patrick McDaniel, Nicolas Papernot
Policy Brief
November, 2020
  • Daniel E. Ho, Emily Black, Maneesh Agrawala, Fei-Fei Li
Policy Brief
October, 2020
  • Seth G. Benzell, Avinash Collis

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