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The widepread deployment of AI systems in critical domains demands more rigorous approaches to evaluating their capabilities and safety.
The widepread deployment of AI systems in critical domains demands more rigorous approaches to evaluating their capabilities and safety.
2025 Spring Conference
In an era when information is treated as a form of power and self-knowledge an unqualified good, the value of what remains unknown is often overlooked.
In an era when information is treated as a form of power and self-knowledge an unqualified good, the value of what remains unknown is often overlooked.
How can we effectively design and develop practical tools to assess the presence of bias and potential discrimination in AI systems? Last August, HAI and Cyber Policy Center launched the AI Audit Challenge, an initiative that invited teams from around the world to submit their models, solutions, and tools with the goal of improving our ability to evaluate AI systems. This event spotlights the four award-winning entries, featuring insightful discussions from participants and AI experts on effective practices and valuable lessons learned from the Challenge.
See the Challenge’s 2023 awards and finalists here.
Responsible AI Fellow, Harvard Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society
International Policy Fellow, Stanford HAI; International Policy Director, Stanford Cyber Policy Center
Senior Manager for Policy Initiatives
SpeakersMarietje Schaake HAI International Policy Fellow; International Policy Director, Cyber Policy Center, Stanford UniversityRumman Chowdhury Responsible AI Fellow, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University
SpeakersNeal Lathia Monzo Bank, UK 9:15a.m. - 9:25a.m. PDT Award for Most Promising for Auditing LLMsCeteris Paribus
SpeakersEdward Chen Stanford University 9:25a.m. - 9:35a.m. PDT Award for Most Innovative and Empowering to the PublicEnd-User Audits
SpeakersMichelle S. Lam Stanford University 9:35a.m. - 9:45a.m. PDT Award for Best Holistic Evaluation and BenchmarkingHateCheck
SpeakersPaul Röttger University of OxfordHannah Rose Kirk University of OxfordBertie Vidgen University of Oxford 9:45a.m. - 10:15a.m. PDT Panel DiscussionModerated panel discussion
ModeratorsMarietje Schaake HAI International Policy Fellow; International Policy Director, Cyber Policy Center, Stanford UniversityModerated panel discussion
SpeakersAbhishek Gupta Founder and Principal Researcher, Montreal AI Ethics InstituteGillian Hadfield Schwartz Reisman Chair in Technology and Society, Professor of Law and Professor of Strategic Management. CIFAR AI Chair. Director, Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and SocietyWilliam Issac Staff Research Scientist, DeepMind's Ethics and Society TeamDanaë Metaxa Raj & Neera Singh Assistant Professor, Computer & Information Science, University of Pennsylvania ModeratorsRumman Chowdhury Responsible AI Fellow, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University