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The widepread deployment of AI systems in critical domains demands more rigorous approaches to evaluating their capabilities and safety.
The widepread deployment of AI systems in critical domains demands more rigorous approaches to evaluating their capabilities and safety.
2025 Spring Conference
In an era when information is treated as a form of power and self-knowledge an unqualified good, the value of what remains unknown is often overlooked.
In an era when information is treated as a form of power and self-knowledge an unqualified good, the value of what remains unknown is often overlooked.
Watch now to hear AI Index Steering Committee Co-Chair Jack Clark share a presentation on the key findings of the 2022 AI Index Report, released on March 16.The AI Index is an independent initiative at Stanford HAI led by an interdisciplinary steering committee of experts from across academia and industry. Its goal is to be the world’s most credible and authoritative source for data and insights about AI to provide policymakers, researchers, journalists, executives, and the general public a deeper understanding of the field.
Co-Founder, Anthropic; Co-Chair of the AI Index Steering Committee, Stanford HAI
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