2021 Fall Conference on Policy & AI: Four Radical Proposals for a Better Society
Policy & AI: Four Radical Proposals for a Better Society
This year’s virtual fall conference features a novel format. We will present and discuss four policy proposals that respond to the issues and opportunities created by artificial intelligence. Each policy proposal will be a radical challenge to the status quo and capable of having a significant and far-reaching positive impact on humanity. The proposals will be presented to a panel of experts from multiple disciplines and backgrounds, who will vet, debate, and judge the merits of each proposal. We will also encourage audience participation throughout.
Day 1
Day 2
Learn more about the four proposals:

The Stanford HAI Fall Conference will debate data cooperatives, algorithmic audits, and more.

To lessen internet platforms’ power over democratic political debate, a group of Stanford researchers are advocating for...

Andrew Yang proposes giving every American adult $1,000 a month to avert an economic crisis.

To address the power imbalance between data producers and corporations that profit from our data, scholars propose...

A scholar proposes legal protections and regulatory involvement to support organizations that uncover algorithmic harm. ...
Other Radical Proposals
While we only have room to feature four proposals at our Conference, we are thrilled to see so much energy for making our society better and grateful to everyone who took the time to submit. We'd like to highlight six other radical proposals that we hope also stimulate more “outside-of-the-box” ideas and policy innovations.
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