Data analytics is revolutionizing health care — quietly, pervasively and in some surprising ways.
Data analytics is revolutionizing health care — quietly, pervasively and in some surprising ways.
New technologies help bring increased efficiency to the hiring process, but also pose significant challenges.
New technologies help bring increased efficiency to the hiring process, but also pose significant challenges.
It’s as rich as human thought and as a result is particularly difficult for AI to learn.
It’s as rich as human thought and as a result is particularly difficult for AI to learn.
In a recent talk at Stanford, Kai-Fu Lee says China has taken the lead. Lee is a venture capitalist and author of “AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley and the New World Order.”
In a recent talk at Stanford, Kai-Fu Lee says China has taken the lead. Lee is a venture capitalist and author of “AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley and the New World Order.”
Congratulations to the winners of the 2018 seed grants to support innovative and interdisciplinary research in human-centered artificial intelligence. Winning proposals were highly collaborative, interdisciplinary and worked to further the development, application and/or study of artificial intelligence as it applies to humanity.
Congratulations to the winners of the 2018 seed grants to support innovative and interdisciplinary research in human-centered artificial intelligence. Winning proposals were highly collaborative, interdisciplinary and worked to further the development, application and/or study of artificial intelligence as it applies to humanity.
Emerging technologies are contributing to an erosion of trust in our society. A social scientist and an engineer look for answers.
Emerging technologies are contributing to an erosion of trust in our society. A social scientist and an engineer look for answers.
In a matter of seconds, a new algorithm read chest X-rays for several possible maladies, performing with about the same or better accuracy than doctors.
In a matter of seconds, a new algorithm read chest X-rays for several possible maladies, performing with about the same or better accuracy than doctors.
With sensors that mimic human skin, the robotic hands achieve some of the manual dexterity that humans enjoy.
With sensors that mimic human skin, the robotic hands achieve some of the manual dexterity that humans enjoy.
The last decade has seen an explosion in the collection and processing of data. Now, the era of big data is making its way into the business world, with important implications.
The last decade has seen an explosion in the collection and processing of data. Now, the era of big data is making its way into the business world, with important implications.