Stanford HAI Introduces New Startup Series

The program will build a community of AI founders and mentors.
The Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI has launched the HAI Startup Series, a monthly forum for Stanford-affiliated early-stage artificial intelligence companies to gain mentorship, exposure, and feedback from academic, industry and investment leaders.
In this program, Stanford-affiliated startup founders connect with a select cohort of AI experts, present their company ideas, and receive advice on moving their concepts forward. In addition to mentorship sessions, the program will also provide opportunities for building and strengthening relationships within or across cohorts.
To be eligible, the startup must focus on AI, and the founding team must include a current or recent affiliate of the Stanford community, which includes students, faculty, staff, and post-doctoral researchers. Stanford scholars Erik Brynjolfsson, Jure Leskovec, Chris Re, Russ Altman, and Curtis Langlotz will be part of the mentorship committee, alongside other Stanford faculty and guests from the investor community. Full details on the committee will be released soon.
“This program helps our Stanford community access ‘no strings attached’ mentorship and guidance from academic and business leaders in AI,” says Managing Director of Industry Programs & Partnerships Panos Madamopoulos. “This program will help accelerate the real-world application of cutting-edge technology at Stanford by leveraging HAI’s rich, interdisciplinary ecosystem.”