Advanced robots seem to offer the ultimate in social distancing, but companies that might use them need systems that are simpler, easier, and more flexible.
Advanced robots seem to offer the ultimate in social distancing, but companies that might use them need systems that are simpler, easier, and more flexible.
We need ‘guidelines around transparency and laws that balance Big Tech’s power.’
We need ‘guidelines around transparency and laws that balance Big Tech’s power.’
Stanford researchers hope their open virtual assistant Almond can increase competition and better protect privacy.
Stanford researchers hope their open virtual assistant Almond can increase competition and better protect privacy.
Despite ethical and privacy concerns, two Stanford scholars say an app is the most effective option before a vaccine hits the market.
Despite ethical and privacy concerns, two Stanford scholars say an app is the most effective option before a vaccine hits the market.
Computer scientists and clinicians are trying to reduce fatal medical errors by building “ambient intelligence” into the spaces where patients reside.
Computer scientists and clinicians are trying to reduce fatal medical errors by building “ambient intelligence” into the spaces where patients reside.
The nonprofit program introduces underrepresented teens to the potential of human-centered technology.
The nonprofit program introduces underrepresented teens to the potential of human-centered technology.
Does a tracking system making laws more enforceable actually improve society?
Does a tracking system making laws more enforceable actually improve society?
The Stanford Cable TV News Analyzer uses AI to search transcripts and calculate the screen time of public figures appearing on cable TV news.
The Stanford Cable TV News Analyzer uses AI to search transcripts and calculate the screen time of public figures appearing on cable TV news.
A professor recorded long stretches of screen time in the lives of his test subjects and used AI to paint a portrait of modern life.
A professor recorded long stretches of screen time in the lives of his test subjects and used AI to paint a portrait of modern life.
The arts have a major role to play in the fairness of our technological future.
The arts have a major role to play in the fairness of our technological future.
Experts across disciplines examine the promise and opportunities in artificial intelligence in the medical sciences during a recent AIMI virtual conference.
Experts across disciplines examine the promise and opportunities in artificial intelligence in the medical sciences during a recent AIMI virtual conference.
Data from three robot-adopting industries shows that human jobs change but don’t disappear.
Data from three robot-adopting industries shows that human jobs change but don’t disappear.